
All personal information provided by users to SpainAdvisers. will be treated according to the due protection established by law.

Everything that is reflected in the report, except for errors or involuntary omissions, constitutes our opinion, subjected in advance to any other opinion that is better founded in law.

The report is similar to an executive note resulting from the study of the issues raised by the user, it is intended exclusively for the user in whose interest it has been issued. Its use by third parties or its application to cases other than those that constitute its objective will require the express and prior authorization of SpainAdvisers.

Finally, it is stated that the report contains legal information of a confidential nature, representing the fruit of the study and experience of SpainAdvisers. on the issues being discussed. Consequently, the information and conclusions that are reflected in it, must be used exclusively by the person or persons in whose interest this opinion has been issued, without it, either in its entirety or in an extracted form. , may be applicable to other cases or disseminated to third parties without the prior authorization of SpainAdvisers, all for the purposes of incorrect or unfair use of the information, questions and conclusions contained herein.

Through said report, at no time does SpainAdvisers provide legal or tax consulting services. The service offered is the issuance of didactic and guidance reports based on a predetermined questionnaire.

In this way, at no time will the user be identified, since the function of SpainAdvisers. It is to inform in a professional way about the different tax and existing regimes but at no time to advise or manage any procedure regarding them.